每天的身心功课: 如实知见四圣谛的痕迹

Wednesday 7 December 2016

One of the most joyous thing I experienced in life is the truth of suffering...

Q: Can you explain how you mean that?

A: The truth is ever there, regardless any conditions. Happiness and joy based on conditions, subjects to stop and changes. Truth never. Experiencing the truth thus is unconditional joy.

Simile: Newton sitting down the apple tree. Apple felt. He was extremely happy not because he found out the apple is ripen and he can eat it, but he found out the law of gravity. The truth brings so much joy for Newton, and of course for the entire scientists and so on who also share the discovery of the gravity.

Archimedes, a Greek scientist, in order to find out how much gold used to make the crown of the king, he pondered at the problem day and night. While he took a bath, the water flowed over the brim of the bathtub. He jumped out of the bathtub, shouting, “Eureka! Eureka!" Eureka in Greek means “I have found it." The joy was indeed not coming from his discovery that water flow out of the bathtub, but the discovery of Archimedes' principle, which is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics.
The Buddha and those who learned as disciples, or anyone who don't learned from anyone but discover by themselves the truth of suffering, enjoy extremely unconditional joy that is beyond any joy that is conditional.

Knowing suffering is like seeing apple felt down and know that the apple is ripen. Knowing the truth of suffering is like realization of the work of law of gravity that brings the apple to the floor.
Being with suffering suffered. Being with the truth of suffering eased and ceased suffering.
There could be apple that doesn't fall and bring disappointment, but yet there will never be gravity that doesn't work in the ground of the earth or other universe systems. The truth bring total satisfaction, which brings joy due to the satisfaction.

The truth ceased all insecurity, skeptical doubt, worries, restlessness, confusion, anger, stinginess, pride, wrong idea/believe, greed, craving, ignorance, unwillingness, sloth and torpor and so on. Thus the taste of the truth bring the stop of the struggle and rest really in peace. The "finally can rest in peace" taste is so satisfactory it will never ever be replace by any other satisfactory.

Unable to see the truth is due to the nature of blindfolding of the consciousness, due to too much fear and too much uncertainty of keeping existences. The struggle to keep existences create fluctuation that will blindfold the consciousness, and the consciousness that is blindfolded created more fear and more uncertainty. These became a cycle of deadlock, called rebirth.

The Truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering begins when the Truth of suffering is discovered. To be with the truth of suffering, one need to recognize the context of suffering that free from time and space, meaning there is ever suffering and no any moment there is not suffering. Said is not enough, experiencing honestly, accept and respect the suffering until the truth reveal!

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